Miragedrive 180 Turbo Camo Arc Complete Version 2 systems with the newer Arc crank system. The new Hobie 180 Miragedrive system provides full power reverse pedal power for Hobie Mirage kayaks.
Miragedrive 180 Turbo Camo Arc Complete Version 2 systems with the newer Arc crank system. The new Hobie 180 Miragedrive system provides full power reverse pedal power for Hobie Mirage kayaks. The Hobie Miragedrive 180 Turbo Came Arc provides full power propulsion in both forward and reverse offering greater maneuverability. Two shift cables operate individually to pivot the fins 180 degrees from forward to reverse and back again. The newly designed fins enable shallow water access and facilitate shallow water landings by pushing one pedal forward.
$1,699.00 Inc GST